sklearn-like interface to Contextualized Networks.
from typing import *
import numpy as np
from contextualized.easy.wrappers import SKLearnWrapper
from contextualized.regression.trainers import CorrelationTrainer, MarkovTrainer
from contextualized.regression.lightning_modules import (
from contextualized.dags.lightning_modules import (
from contextualized.dags.trainers import GraphTrainer
from contextualized.dags.graph_utils import dag_pred_np
class ContextualizedNetworks(SKLearnWrapper):
sklearn-like interface to Contextualized Networks.
def _split_train_data(
self, C: np.ndarray, X: np.ndarray, **kwargs
) -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]]:
"""Splits data into train and test sets.
C (np.ndarray): Contextual features for each sample.
X (np.ndarray): The data matrix.
Tuple[List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]]: The train and test sets for C and X as ([C_train, X_train], [C_test, X_test]).
return super()._split_train_data(C, X, Y_required=False, **kwargs)
def predict_networks(
C: np.ndarray,
with_offsets: bool = False,
individual_preds: bool = False,
) -> Union[
Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
Tuple[List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]],
"""Predicts context-specific networks given contextual features.
C (np.ndarray): Contextual features for each sample (n_samples, n_context_features)
with_offsets (bool, optional): If True, returns both the network parameters and offsets. Defaults to False.
individual_preds (bool, optional): If True, returns the predictions for each bootstrap. Defaults to False.
Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray], Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]]]: The predicted network parameters (and offsets if with_offsets is True). Returned as lists of individual bootstraps if individual_preds is True.
betas, mus = self.predict_params(
C, individual_preds=individual_preds, uses_y=False, **kwargs
if with_offsets:
return betas, mus
return betas
def predict_X(
self, C: np.ndarray, X: np.ndarray, individual_preds: bool = False, **kwargs
) -> Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]:
"""Reconstructs the data matrix based on predicted contextualized networks and the true data matrix.
Useful for measuring reconstruction error or for imputation.
C (np.ndarray): Contextual features for each sample (n_samples, n_context_features)
X (np.ndarray): The data matrix (n_samples, n_features)
individual_preds (bool, optional): If True, returns the predictions for each bootstrap. Defaults to False.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments for the Lightning trainer's predict_y method.
Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]: The predicted data matrix, or matrices for each bootstrap if individual_preds is True (n_samples, n_features).
return self.predict(C, X, individual_preds=individual_preds, **kwargs)
[docs]class ContextualizedCorrelationNetworks(ContextualizedNetworks):
Contextualized Correlation Networks reveal context-varying feature correlations, interaction strengths, dependencies in feature groups.
Uses the Contextualized Networks model, see the `paper <https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.12.01.569658>`__ for detailed estimation procedures.
n_bootstraps (int, optional): Number of bootstraps to use. Defaults to 1.
num_archetypes (int, optional): Number of archetypes to use. Defaults to 10. Always uses archetypes in the ContextualizedMetaModel.
encoder_type (str, optional): Type of encoder to use ("mlp", "ngam", "linear"). Defaults to "mlp".
alpha (float, optional): Regularization strength. Defaults to 0.0.
mu_ratio (float, optional): Float in range (0.0, 1.0), governs how much the regularization applies to context-specific parameters or context-specific offsets. Defaults to 0.0.
l1_ratio (float, optional): Float in range (0.0, 1.0), governs how much the regularization penalizes l1 vs l2 parameter norms. Defaults to 0.0.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
ContextualizedCorrelation, [], [], CorrelationTrainer, **kwargs
[docs] def predict_correlation(
self, C: np.ndarray, individual_preds: bool = True, squared: bool = True
) -> Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]:
"""Predicts context-specific correlations between features.
C (Numpy ndarray): Contextual features for each sample (n_samples, n_context_features)
individual_preds (bool, optional): If True, returns the predictions for each bootstrap. Defaults to True.
squared (bool, optional): If True, returns the squared correlations. Defaults to True.
Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]: The predicted context-specific correlation matrices, or matrices for each bootstrap if individual_preds is True (n_samples, n_features, n_features).
get_dataloader = lambda i: self.models[i].dataloader(
C, np.zeros((len(C), self.x_dim))
rhos = np.array(
self.trainers[i].predict_params(self.models[i], get_dataloader(i))[0]
for i in range(len(self.models))
if individual_preds:
if squared:
return np.square(rhos)
return rhos
if squared:
return np.square(np.mean(rhos, axis=0))
return np.mean(rhos, axis=0)
[docs] def measure_mses(
self, C: np.ndarray, X: np.ndarray, individual_preds: bool = False
) -> Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]:
"""Measures mean-squared errors.
C (np.ndarray): Contextual features for each sample (n_samples, n_context_features)
X (np.ndarray): The data matrix (n_samples, n_features)
individual_preds (bool, optional): If True, returns the predictions for each bootstrap. Defaults to False.
Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]: The mean-squared errors for each sample, or for each bootstrap if individual_preds is True (n_samples).
betas, mus = self.predict_networks(C, individual_preds=True, with_offsets=True)
mses = np.zeros((len(betas), len(C))) # n_bootstraps x n_samples
for i in range(X.shape[-1]):
for j in range(X.shape[-1]):
tiled_xi = np.array([X[:, i] for _ in range(len(betas))])
tiled_xj = np.array([X[:, j] for _ in range(len(betas))])
residuals = tiled_xi - betas[:, :, i, j] * tiled_xj - mus[:, :, i, j]
mses += residuals**2 / (X.shape[-1] ** 2)
if not individual_preds:
mses = np.mean(mses, axis=0)
return mses
[docs]class ContextualizedMarkovNetworks(ContextualizedNetworks):
Contextualized Markov Networks reveal context-varying feature dependencies, cliques, and modules.
Implemented as Contextualized Gaussian Precision Matrices, directly interpretable as Markov Networks.
Uses the Contextualized Networks model, see the `paper <https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.12.01.569658>`__ for detailed estimation procedures.
n_bootstraps (int, optional): Number of bootstraps to use. Defaults to 1.
num_archetypes (int, optional): Number of archetypes to use. Defaults to 10. Always uses archetypes in the ContextualizedMetaModel.
encoder_type (str, optional): Type of encoder to use ("mlp", "ngam", "linear"). Defaults to "mlp".
alpha (float, optional): Regularization strength. Defaults to 0.0.
mu_ratio (float, optional): Float in range (0.0, 1.0), governs how much the regularization applies to context-specific parameters or context-specific offsets. Defaults to 0.0.
l1_ratio (float, optional): Float in range (0.0, 1.0), governs how much the regularization penalizes l1 vs l2 parameter norms. Defaults to 0.0.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super().__init__(ContextualizedMarkovGraph, [], [], MarkovTrainer, **kwargs)
[docs] def predict_precisions(
self, C: np.ndarray, individual_preds: bool = True
) -> Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]:
"""Predicts context-specific precision matrices.
Can be converted to context-specific Markov networks by binarizing the networks and setting all non-zero entries to 1.
Can be converted to context-specific covariance matrices by taking the inverse.
C (np.ndarray): Contextual features for each sample (n_samples, n_context_features)
individual_preds (bool, optional): If True, returns the predictions for each bootstrap. Defaults to True.
Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]: The predicted context-specific Markov networks as precision matrices, or matrices for each bootstrap if individual_preds is True (n_samples, n_features, n_features).
get_dataloader = lambda i: self.models[i].dataloader(
C, np.zeros((len(C), self.x_dim))
precisions = np.array(
self.trainers[i].predict_precision(self.models[i], get_dataloader(i))
for i in range(len(self.models))
if individual_preds:
return precisions
return np.mean(precisions, axis=0)
[docs] def measure_mses(
self, C: np.ndarray, X: np.ndarray, individual_preds: bool = False
) -> Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]:
"""Measures mean-squared errors.
C (np.ndarray): Contextual features for each sample (n_samples, n_context_features)
X (np.ndarray): The data matrix (n_samples, n_features)
individual_preds (bool, optional): If True, returns the predictions for each bootstrap. Defaults to False.
Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]: The mean-squared errors for each sample, or for each bootstrap if individual_preds is True (n_samples).
betas, mus = self.predict_networks(C, individual_preds=True, with_offsets=True)
mses = np.zeros((len(betas), len(C))) # n_bootstraps x n_samples
for bootstrap in range(len(betas)):
for i in range(X.shape[-1]):
# betas are n_boostraps x n_samples x n_features x n_features
# preds[bootstrap, sample, i] = X[sample, :].dot(betas[bootstrap, sample, i, :])
preds = np.array(
X[j].dot(betas[bootstrap, j, i, :]) + mus[bootstrap, j, i]
for j in range(len(X))
residuals = X[:, i] - preds
mses[bootstrap, :] += residuals**2 / (X.shape[-1])
if not individual_preds:
mses = np.mean(mses, axis=0)
return mses
[docs]class ContextualizedBayesianNetworks(ContextualizedNetworks):
Contextualized Bayesian Networks and Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) reveal context-dependent causal relationships, effect sizes, and variable ordering.
Uses the NOTMAD model, see the `paper <https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2111.01104>`__ for detailed estimation procedures.
n_bootstraps (int, optional): Number of bootstraps to use. Defaults to 1.
num_archetypes (int, optional): Number of archetypes to use. Defaults to 16. Always uses archetypes in the ContextualizedMetaModel.
encoder_type (str, optional): Type of encoder to use ("mlp", "ngam", "linear"). Defaults to "mlp".
archetype_dag_loss_type (str, optional): The type of loss to use for the archetype loss. Defaults to "l1".
archetype_l1 (float, optional): The strength of the l1 regularization for the archetype loss. Defaults to 0.0.
archetype_dag_params (dict, optional): Parameters for the archetype loss. Defaults to {"loss_type": "l1", "params": {"alpha": 0.0, "rho": 0.0, "s": 0.0, "tol": 1e-4}}.
archetype_dag_loss_params (dict, optional): Parameters for the archetype loss. Defaults to {"alpha": 0.0, "rho": 0.0, "s": 0.0, "tol": 1e-4}.
archetype_alpha (float, optional): The strength of the alpha regularization for the archetype loss. Defaults to 0.0.
archetype_rho (float, optional): The strength of the rho regularization for the archetype loss. Defaults to 0.0.
archetype_s (float, optional): The strength of the s regularization for the archetype loss. Defaults to 0.0.
archetype_tol (float, optional): The tolerance for the archetype loss. Defaults to 1e-4.
archetype_use_dynamic_alpha_rho (bool, optional): Whether to use dynamic alpha and rho for the archetype loss. Defaults to False.
init_mat (np.ndarray, optional): The initial adjacency matrix for the archetype loss. Defaults to None.
num_factors (int, optional): The number of factors for the archetype loss. Defaults to 0.
factor_mat_l1 (float, optional): The strength of the l1 regularization for the factor matrix for the archetype loss. Defaults to 0.
sample_specific_dag_loss_type (str, optional): The type of loss to use for the sample-specific loss. Defaults to "l1".
sample_specific_alpha (float, optional): The strength of the alpha regularization for the sample-specific loss. Defaults to 0.0.
sample_specific_rho (float, optional): The strength of the rho regularization for the sample-specific loss. Defaults to 0.0.
sample_specific_s (float, optional): The strength of the s regularization for the sample-specific loss. Defaults to 0.0.
sample_specific_tol (float, optional): The tolerance for the sample-specific loss. Defaults to 1e-4.
sample_specific_use_dynamic_alpha_rho (bool, optional): Whether to use dynamic alpha and rho for the sample-specific loss. Defaults to False.
def _parse_private_init_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
Parses the kwargs for the NOTMAD model.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments for the NOTMAD model, including the encoder, archetype loss, sample-specific loss, and optimization parameters.
# Encoder Parameters
self._init_kwargs["model"]["encoder_kwargs"] = {
"type": kwargs.pop(
"encoder_type", self._init_kwargs["model"]["encoder_type"]
"params": {
"width": self.constructor_kwargs["encoder_kwargs"]["width"],
"layers": self.constructor_kwargs["encoder_kwargs"]["layers"],
"link_fn": self.constructor_kwargs["encoder_kwargs"]["link_fn"],
# Archetype-specific parameters
archetype_dag_loss_type = kwargs.pop(
"archetype_dag_loss_type", DEFAULT_DAG_LOSS_TYPE
self._init_kwargs["model"]["archetype_loss_params"] = {
"l1": kwargs.get("archetype_l1", 0.0),
"dag": kwargs.get(
"loss_type": archetype_dag_loss_type,
"params": kwargs.get(
"init_mat": kwargs.pop("init_mat", None),
"num_factors": kwargs.pop("num_factors", 0),
"factor_mat_l1": kwargs.pop("factor_mat_l1", 0),
"num_archetypes": kwargs.pop("num_archetypes", 16),
if self._init_kwargs["model"]["archetype_loss_params"]["num_archetypes"] <= 0:
"WARNING: num_archetypes is 0. NOTMAD requires archetypes. Setting num_archetypes to 16."
self._init_kwargs["model"]["archetype_loss_params"]["num_archetypes"] = 16
# Possibly update values with convenience parameters
for param, value in self._init_kwargs["model"]["archetype_loss_params"]["dag"][
] = kwargs.pop(f"archetype_{param}", value)
sample_specific_dag_loss_type = kwargs.pop(
"sample_specific_dag_loss_type", DEFAULT_DAG_LOSS_TYPE
# Sample-specific parameters
self._init_kwargs["model"]["sample_specific_loss_params"] = {
"l1": kwargs.pop("sample_specific_l1", 0.0),
"dag": kwargs.pop(
"loss_type": sample_specific_dag_loss_type,
"params": kwargs.pop(
# Possibly update values with convenience parameters
for param, value in self._init_kwargs["model"]["sample_specific_loss_params"][
] = kwargs.pop(f"sample_specific_{param}", value)
# Optimization parameters
self._init_kwargs["model"]["opt_params"] = {
"learning_rate": kwargs.pop("learning_rate", 1e-3),
"step": kwargs.pop("step", 50),
return [
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
[docs] def predict_params(
self, C: np.ndarray, **kwargs
) -> Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]:
"""Predicts context-specific Bayesian network parameters as linear coefficients in a linear structural equation model (SEM).
C (np.ndarray): Contextual features for each sample (n_samples, n_context_features)
**kwargs: Keyword arguments for the contextualized.dags.GraphTrainer's predict_params method.
Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]: The linear coefficients of the predicted context-specific Bayesian network parameters (n_samples, n_features, n_features). Returned as lists of individual bootstraps if individual_preds is True.
# No mus for NOTMAD at present.
return super().predict_params(C, model_includes_mus=False, **kwargs)
[docs] def predict_networks(
self, C: np.ndarray, project_to_dag: bool = True, **kwargs
) -> Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]:
"""Predicts context-specific Bayesian networks.
C (np.ndarray): Contextual features for each sample (n_samples, n_context_features)
project_to_dag (bool, optional): If True, guarantees returned graphs are DAGs by trimming edges until acyclicity is satisified. Defaults to True.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments for the contextualized.dags.GraphTrainer's predict_params method.
Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]: The linear coefficients of the predicted context-specific Bayesian network parameters (n_samples, n_features, n_features). Returned as lists of individual bootstraps if individual_preds is True.
if kwargs.pop("with_offsets", False):
print("No offsets can be returned by NOTMAD.")
betas = self.predict_params(
C, uses_y=False, project_to_dag=project_to_dag, **kwargs
return betas
[docs] def measure_mses(
self, C: np.ndarray, X: np.ndarray, individual_preds: bool = False, **kwargs
) -> Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]:
"""Measures mean-squared errors.
C (np.ndarray): Contextual features for each sample (n_samples, n_context_features)
X (np.ndarray): The data matrix (n_samples, n_features)
individual_preds (bool, optional): If True, returns the predictions for each bootstrap. Defaults to False.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments for the contextualized.dags.GraphTrainer's predict_params method.
Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]: The mean-squared errors for each sample, or for each bootstrap if individual_preds is True (n_samples).
betas = self.predict_networks(C, individual_preds=True, **kwargs)
mses = np.zeros((len(betas), len(C))) # n_bootstraps x n_samples
for bootstrap in range(len(betas)):
X_pred = dag_pred_np(X, betas[bootstrap])
mses[bootstrap, :] = np.mean((X - X_pred) ** 2, axis=1)
if not individual_preds:
mses = np.mean(mses, axis=0)
return mses