Source code for contextualized.analysis.pvals

Analysis tools for generating pvalues from bootstrap replicates.


from typing import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from contextualized.analysis.effects import (
from contextualized.easy.wrappers import SKLearnWrapper

[docs]def get_possible_pvals(num_bootstraps: int) -> list: """ Get the range of possible p-values based on the number of bootstraps. Args: num_bootstraps (int): The number of bootstraps. Returns: list: The minimum and maximum possible p-values. """ min_pval = 1 / (num_bootstraps + 1) max_pval = num_bootstraps / (num_bootstraps + 1) return [min_pval, max_pval]
def _validate_args(n_bootstraps: int, verbose: bool = False) -> None: """ Check that the test has a sufficient number of bootstraps. Args: num_bootstraps (int): The number of bootstraps. Raises: ValueError: If the number of bootstraps is less than 2. """ if n_bootstraps < 2: raise ValueError( f"P-values are not well defined without multiple bootstrap samples." ) min_pval, max_pval = get_possible_pvals(n_bootstraps) if verbose: print( "########################################################################################\n" f"You are testing a model which contains {n_bootstraps} bootstraps.\n" f"The minimum possible p-value is {min_pval}.\n" f"To allow for lower p-values, increase the model's n_bootstraps.\n" "########################################################################################" ) def calc_pval_bootstraps_one_sided(estimates, thresh=0, laplace_smoothing=1): """ Calculate p-values from bootstrapped estimates. Parameters ---------- estimates : np.ndarray Bootstrapped estimates of the test statistic. thresh : float, optional laplace_smoothing : int, optional """ return (laplace_smoothing + np.sum(estimates < thresh)) / ( estimates.shape[0] + laplace_smoothing ) def calc_pval_bootstraps_one_sided_mean(estimates, laplace_smoothing=1): """ Calculate p-values from bootstrapped estimates. The p-value is calculated as the proportion of bootstrapped estimates that are: less than 0 if the mean of the estimates is positive, greater than 0 if the mean of the estimates is negative. Parameters ---------- estimates : np.ndarray Bootstrapped estimates of the test statistic. laplace_smoothing : int, optional """ return calc_pval_bootstraps_one_sided( estimates * np.sign(np.mean(estimates)), 0, laplace_smoothing )
[docs]def calc_homogeneous_context_effects_pvals( model: SKLearnWrapper, C: np.ndarray, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate p-values for the effects of context directly on the outcome. Args: model (SKLearnWrapper): Model to analyze. C (np.ndarray): Contexts to analyze. verbose (bool): Whether to print the range of possible p-values. Returns: np.ndarray: P-values of shape (n_contexts, n_outcomes) testing whether the sign of the direct effect of context on outcomes is consistent across bootstraps. Raises: ValueError: If the model's n_bootstraps is less than 2. """ _validate_args(model.n_bootstraps, verbose=verbose) _, effects = get_homogeneous_context_effects(model, C, **kwargs) # effects.shape: (n_contexts, n_bootstraps, n_context_vals, n_outcomes) diffs = effects[:, :, -1] - effects[:, :, 0] # Test whether the sign is consistent pvals = np.array( [ np.array( [ calc_pval_bootstraps_one_sided_mean( diffs[i, :, j], laplace_smoothing=kwargs.get("laplace_smoothing", 1), ) for j in range(diffs.shape[2]) # n_outcomes ] ) for i in range(diffs.shape[0]) # n_contexts ] ) return pvals
[docs]def calc_homogeneous_predictor_effects_pvals( model: SKLearnWrapper, C: np.ndarray, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate p-values for the context-invariant effects of predictors. Args: model (SKLearnWrapper): Model to analyze. C (np.ndarray): Contexts to analyze. verbose (bool): Whether to print the range of possible p-values. Returns: np.ndarray: P-values of shape (n_predictors, n_outcomes) testing whether the sign of the context-invariant predictor effects are consistent across bootstraps. Raises: ValueError: If the model's n_bootstraps is less than 2. """ _validate_args(model.n_bootstraps, verbose=verbose) _, effects = get_homogeneous_predictor_effects(model, C, **kwargs) # effects.shape: (n_predictors, n_bootstraps, n_outcomes) pvals = np.array( [ np.array( [ calc_pval_bootstraps_one_sided_mean( effects[i, :, j], laplace_smoothing=kwargs.get("laplace_smoothing", 1), ) for j in range(effects.shape[2]) # n_outcomes ] ) for i in range(effects.shape[0]) # n_predictors ] ) return pvals
[docs]def calc_heterogeneous_predictor_effects_pvals( model, C: np.ndarray, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate p-values for the heterogeneous (context-dependent) effects of predictors. Args: model (SKLearnWrapper): Model to analyze. C (np.ndarray): Contexts to analyze. verbose (bool): Whether to print the range of possible p-values. Returns: np.ndarray: P-values of shape (n_contexts, n_predictors, n_outcomes) testing whether the context-varying parameter range is consistent across bootstraps. Raises: ValueError: If the model's n_bootstraps is less than 2. """ _validate_args(model.n_bootstraps, verbose=verbose) _, effects = get_heterogeneous_predictor_effects(model, C, **kwargs) # effects.shape is (n_contexts, n_predictors, n_bootstraps, n_context_vals, n_outcomes) diffs = ( effects[:, :, :, -1] - effects[:, :, :, 0] ) # Test whether the sign is consistent # diffs.shape is (n_contexts, n_predictors, n_bootstraps, n_outcomes) pvals = np.array( [ np.array( [ np.array( [ calc_pval_bootstraps_one_sided_mean( diffs[i, j, :, k], laplace_smoothing=kwargs.get("laplace_smoothing", 1), ) for k in range(diffs.shape[3]) ] ) # n_outcomes for j in range(diffs.shape[1]) ] ) # n_predictors for i in range(diffs.shape[0]) # n_contexts ] ) return pvals
[docs]def test_each_context( model_constructor: Type[SKLearnWrapper], C: pd.DataFrame, X: pd.DataFrame, Y: pd.DataFrame, verbose: bool = True, model_kwargs: Dict = {"encoder_type": "linear"}, fit_kwargs: Dict = {"max_epochs": 3, "learning_rate": 1e-2, "n_bootstraps": 20}, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Test heterogeneous predictor effects attributed to every individual context feature. Applies test_heterogeneous_predictor_effects to a model learned for a single context feature in C, and does this sequentially for every context feature. Args: model_constructor (SKLearnWrapper): The constructor of the model to be tested, currently either ContextualizedRegressor or ContextualizedClassifier. C (pd.DataFrame): The context dataframe (n_samples, n_contexts). X (pd.DataFrame): The predictor dataframe (n_samples, n_predictors). Y (pd.DataFrame): The outcome, target, or label dataframe (n_samples, n_outcomes). verbose (bool): Whether to print the range of possible p-values. **kwargs: Additional arguments for the model constructor. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame of p-values for each (context, predictor, outcome) combination, describing how much the predictor's effect on the outcome varies across the context. Raises: ValueError: If the model's n_bootstraps is less than 2. """ pvals_dict = { "Context": [], "Predictor": [], "Target": [], "Pvals": [], } _validate_args(fit_kwargs["n_bootstraps"], verbose=verbose) for context in C.columns: context_col = C[[context]].values model = model_constructor(**model_kwargs), X.values, Y.values, **fit_kwargs) pvals = calc_heterogeneous_predictor_effects_pvals( model, context_col, verbose=False ) for i, predictor in enumerate(X.columns): for j, outcome in enumerate(Y.columns): pvals_dict["Context"].append(context) pvals_dict["Predictor"].append(predictor) pvals_dict["Target"].append(outcome) pvals_dict["Pvals"].append(pvals[0, i, j]) return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pvals_dict)