
Regression models are used to predict a target variable based on predictor variables. Typically these take the form of a generalized linear model (GLM) with a linear combination of predictors and a link function to transform the linear combination into the expected value of the target variable.

\[\mathbb{E}[Y|X] = g(X\beta)\]


  • \(Y\) is the normalized target variable

  • \(X\) is the normalized predictor variables

  • \(g\) is the link function

  • \(\beta\) are the linear coefficients

Contextualized Linear Regression#

Linear regression is the simplest form of the GLM above, where the link function is the identity function. As with all models in Contextualized, we can fit a linear regression model with context-specific parameters by learning a context encoder, which maps context variables to context-specific parameters.

\[\mathbb{E}[Y|X, C] = (X - \mu(C))\beta(C)\]


  • \(C\) are the context variables

  • \(\beta(\cdot)\) is the context encoder for the linear coefficients, which outputs context-specific linear coefficients.

  • \(\mu(\cdot)\) is the context encoder for the offsets (re-introduced to account for the mean of the target variable given \(C\)), which outputs context-specific offsets.

This model is implemented by the ContextualizedRegressor.

Contextualized Logistic Regression#

Logistic regression is a GLM where the link function is the logistic function. Now the expected value of the target variable is the probability of the target variable being 1.

\[\mathbb{E}[Y = 1|X, C] = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-(X - \mu(C))\beta(C))}\]

This model is implemented by the ContextualizedClassifier.

Next, we provide some basic code examples using each of these models.